The Korea Times 칼럼

Life after Death (2011년 3월 12일)

divicom 2011. 3. 12. 10:30

March is for marches, some people say, but it is a season of memories and remembrance for others. From Virginia Woolf to the young poet Ki Hyung-do, the list of names that died in March is long. This year, as the nation slowly recovers from the panic caused by the foot-and-mouth disease, dispirited farmers join the mourners for whom the pulse of spring often adds pain.

It is natural, therefore, to read more poems and essays this time of year than any other months. Handy uppers are least welcome as frustration and sadness can be overcome only after you are completely soaked in it. Ki’s ``Spring Day Goes” shows that he knew the difficulty of living through spring.

The sunlight scatters like cosmetic powder
The shadows that easily grow or shrink
bend round by a single sheet of warm wind…
The daylight that swarms like unpaid debt
Dust and dirty plastics on the pavement
The vague smokes planted in the empty field
What lonely grass’s children are they?...
Spring day goes and so be it
Hangover crinkles in a few money bills
How many hills will the dusts go over
before they mingle with the hard earth

I met Ki at the pressroom of the then Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the mid-1980s. He was a reporter of the vernacular daily JoongAng Ilbo and came to the pressroom to temporarily cover ministry affairs for his colleague who was away on another assignment. Ki was a poet whose works had been publicly selected by the Dong-A Ilbo, while I was writing poems secretly.

I am still curious, therefore, why he, whenever he entered the room, would always approach me and asked if I had read his poems published in certain literary magazines. I wonder if my love of poetry was obvious. Anyway, feeling jealous about the poet title he had, I would respond with a forced smile and wordplay: ``No, I didn’t, you, living poet of dead poems.”

I never imagined what unfathomable darkness he had been hiding in his beautiful features and geniality. He would return my smile but with more warmth and a hint of retreat. He seemed to be saying ``I know your heart is warmer than your words.” We ceased to see each other before long as his colleague returned to the pressroom and he stopped coming.

It was only after I read his obituary in the spring of 1989 that I began to read his poems, gradually realizing what a great poet he was and what hurtful words disguised as jest I had uttered to him. He was 29 years old when he died, all alone in a third-class movie house in Seoul. I grieved thoroughly and now I think he left that early because he had already known what he had to know about life. In his “Forsythia, Forsythia,” he cried:

Yet again raising heaps of silver scale
Time moved quickly
One day’s quiet darkness
your life without a single leaf
silently broke, towards the
transparent memory
Spring has come…

Spring never buries what’s not alive
On every frozen piece of my floating memories
piles up heated mist uncalled for
Time is not the only thing that can’t be locked
Ah, how a little death commands big deaths…

No other thing than spring reminds one of the repetition and oneness of birth and death better. one can’t choose the time to be born but one can die on a day of one’s choice if truly desired. Virginia Woolf walked into the River Ouse on March 28, 1941, with her coat pockets filled with stones. If one has to die, the best time may be spring, the season of life after death. one may even be welcomed by the March club of great pens up there.



토요일자 코리아타임스에 실릴 칼럼의 원고는 목요일에 보냅니다. 위의 글도 목요일 오전에 보냈습니다. 그러니 어제 오후 일본열도가 강진과 쓰나미로 아수라장이 되었을 때쯤 제 원고는 이미 신문에 실릴 차비를 끝낸 상태였겠지요. 원고를 금요일에 보내게 되어 있었으면 일본 국민을 위로하는 글을 썼을 텐데... 아쉽습니다.


미국 시인 T.S. 엘리엇은 '4월은 잔인한 달'이라고 하고 영어에는 'spring fever' 즉 '봄의 우울증'이라는 말이 있습니다. 너무 바빠 생각할 시간이 없는 사람들은 무슨 말이냐고 할지 모르지만, 모든 것이 죽은 듯하던 겨울이 지나 무엇들이 돋아나는 봄이야말로 죽음과 삶에 대한 사유를 부추깁니다. 


제가 좋아하는 사람들 중엔 3월에 세상을 떠난 사람이 많습니다. 영국 작가 버지니아 울프, 시인 기형도, 구도자 법정 스님... 1989년 3월 7일 겨우 29세로 저 세상 사람이 된 기형도와는 그가 중앙일보 기자이고 제가 코리아타임스 기자일 때 잠시 함께 일한 적이 있습니다. 


정부종합청사 8층 외무부 기자실에 들어서면 주춤주춤 제게로 와서 "김 선배, 문예중앙에 실린 제 시 읽어보셨어요" 하고 물었습니다. 저는 "아니, 못 읽어봤는데, 이 죽은 시를 쓰는 산 시인아!" 라고 농담을 했습니다. 그때는 그의 아름다움이 감추고 있는 어둠을 몰랐습니다. 그가 세상을 떠난 후에야 그의 시를 읽기 시작했으니까요. 위에 이탤릭체로 표시된 시 두편은 기형도의 시입니다. '봄날은 간다'와 '나리 나리 개나리,' 두 편 다 그의 시집 <입 속의 검은 잎>에서 인용한 것입니다.


태어나는 날짜를 정할 수는 없겠지만, 죽는 날짜는 우리가 정할 수 있다고 생각합니다. 물론 정말로 원한다면 그렇다는 겁니다. 버지니아 울프는 1941년 3월 28일 코트 주머니에 돌을 가득 넣고 강으로 걸어 들어갔습니다. 선택할 수 있다면 저도 3월이 좋을 것 같습니다. 3월만큼 '죽음 후의 삶'과 '삶 후의 죽음'이라는 순환을 잘 보여주는 계절도 없으니까요. '봄날은 간다'에서 위에 인용한 부분의 원문을 실어둡니다.


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